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In a world where every boy and girl has a special power called iris, tooru who, as a result of not having any kind of special power from a young age, lives by his motto, "low exposure"—to live without standing out. but his peaceful school life changes when he receives a certain "confession" from the school's most popular girl, koyuki. his motto begins to shake!! the school fantasy that. Iris zero. login to add items to your list, keep track of your progress, and rate series! description. in a world where every boy and girl has a special power called iris, toru who, as a result of not having any kind of special power, was bullied from a young age, lives by his motto "minimal exposure" to live without standing out. Lee el manga iris zero en español gratis solo mangahere iris zero en tu manga online.
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Iriszero manga summary: in a world where every boy and girl has a special power called iris, toru who, as a result of not having any kind of special power, was bullied from a young age, lives by his motto minimal exposure to live without standing out. but his peaceful school life changes when he receives a certain confession from the school's most popular girl, koyuki. Description of manga iris zero : tohru is subject to constant mockery from peers, since everyone has abilities in his world. everyone except him. he tries to live without standing out from the crowd and with minimal impact. his life is seriously changed when the most popular girl in school confesses his love to him. from that moment on, he becomes scared. Manga iris zero yang dibuat oleh komikus bernama piro shiki ini bercerita tentang di dunia di mana setiap anak laki-laki dan perempuan memiliki kekuatan khusus yang disebut iris, toru, sebagai akibat dari tidak memiliki iris, diganggu semenjak kecil, hidup dengan motto nya: “tidak menarik perhatian” untuk hidup tanpa mencolok.
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